Monday, October 10, 2005

Missy and Kate in Oklahoma

Here are a few photos from Missy and Kate's visit to Tulsa and Stillwater early last month. They had alot of fun, as you can see. How in the world did all that smoke get in my photos when I don't even smoke? Can't tell you who's hat that was...

Emily is very happy! Jamie and Kate

Missy and I Becky and Emily

Missy a toast to good friends!


Anonymous said...

Becky, I can't believe I GAVE INTO YOUR PEER PRESSURE and took all those shots! It was really great to see you gals! Love ya, Emily

bgelder said...

That's right, who's giving into the peer pressure now. Shots are great and so is drinking, isn't that funny how things have changed since highschool? I love our inside jokes.