I FINALLY just finished editing all the photos from the trip. You can view them here flickr, I haven't captioned all of them, but you'll get the idea.
Tomorrow night Missy, Rachel and I are going to Andrew Bird. I seriously can't wait. Just this weekend I've been listening to Armchair Apocrypha more in depth. I so in love with it. I also can't stop listening to "People Got Lotta Nerve" off the new Neko Case album and a song called "Not Fair" off Lily Allen's new album. I know they are soooo different but I love them equally.
Thursday night I am volunteering for the AIGA show here in Seattle. I'm new to the scene so it will be fun seeing how another creative club organizes and what their dynamic is like. I wonder if I'll be thinking..."that woman is the Libby Bender of Seattle or that guy is the John Amatucci of the Northwest...". I was once an outsider in Tulsa and found my home with ADCT pretty quickly. I know the formula (volunteer for everything until they depend on you) so I bet I can do it again.