Thursday, January 22, 2009

Screen Printing Class

I started a printmaking class last night at Pratt. It's the first time I've taken one since 2002. Oh printmaking, how I've missed you! I know realize what was missing from my life for the past 7 years. The class was full at 12 people. Mostly female. I went into the class thinking surely it would take the whole 4 hour class to cover the basics of screen printing. I was pleasantly mistaken. We talked about an hour then she let us loose to do whatever. So I came up with a very quick design. The process is cutting a pattern in a sheet of newsprint then taping it to the screen. Very quick and easy with fast results. So I finished my first screen by 9pm then cleaned up for the evening. The class also gets studio time all day Friday as part of the class fee. So I'll be finishing the print up by Friday evening and will post the finished product then.


Kathryn said...

Zach is so jealous right now :)

bgelder said...

it isn't as hard as I thought it would be. he should look into something in OKC...